Today's schools and teachers must continually advance 21st century learning as our society transitions to innova­tive digital tools for work, communication, and entertain­ment. This advancement can be supported with use of the ASSURE model and technology-focused professional development to guide teacher implementation of 21st century learning environments. Technology grants can as­sist schools in increasing student access to cutting-edge technology and media that build 21st century knowledge and skills.

The ASSURE model is structured to help teachers achieve 21st century classrooms. By following the step-by-step ASSURE model, teachers receive the support and guid­ance to develop, implement, ?valuate, and revise lessons that integrate technology to it crease student learning and prepare them for future careers. The ASSURE model di­rectly supports the following learning goal in the National Educational Technology Plan (NETP) (US DOE, 2010):
Goal: All learners will have engaging and empowering learning experiences both in and outside of school that prepare them to be active, creative, knowledgeable, and ethical participants in our globally networked society. (p. 9)
The first step in the ASSURE model, Analyze learners, asks teachers to identify the needs of all learners to better ensure that they have the resources and individualized support to participate in learning experiences. The next four steps help teachers to strategically plan technology integration lessons:
2.  State standards and objectives
3.  Select strategies, technology, media, and materials
4.  Utilize technology, media, and materials
5.  Require learner participation

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